The history of Atacama Biomaterials dates back to 2019, when its founders, two Chileans, Paloma González and José Tomás Domínguez, met during their studies at MIT (Boston, United States) and identified a gap in the packaging industry.
Showing 40 articles from category Innovation.
In the third episode of the limited series "The Secret Ingredient," produced by Entreprenerd Media and Transforma Foods, we talk with Patricio Olavarría, co-founder of Bioketen Innovation.
Today, there are concrete solutions in Chile that allow for the replacement of traditional plastics with biodegradable, recyclable, and compostable materials.
Corfo awarded seven innovation challenges with lithium resources for more than US$ 41 million to boost sustainable technological development in Chile.
The companies Bioketen and Beeing Company are revolutionizing the apiculture sector with advanced technology for honey certification and bee genetics.
Finnish startup Arctic Instruments, a spinout of VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, is looking to scale up the development and production of superconducting microwave amplifiers that enable the construction of bigger and better quantum computers.